Hirannya-Varnnaam Harinniim Suvarnna-Rajata-Srajaam |
Candraam Hirannmayiim Lakssmiim Jaatavedo Ma Aavaha ||1||
Appear before me O Goddess Laxmi, you are golden coloured and you wear lotuses of Gold and silver.
O Jaatavedo! I summon the Golden, moonlike goddess Laxmi.
Taam Ma Aavaha Jaatavedo Lakssmiim-Anapagaaminiim |
Yasyaam Hirannyam Vindeyam Gaam-Ashvam Purussaan-Aham ||2||
I am calling the Goddess Laxmi, by whose touch in my life everything will be auspicious as gold, who will bless me with progeny, horses and cattle. I will have servants.
Ashva-Puurvaam Ratha-Madhyaam Hastinaada-Prabodhiniim |
Shriyam Deviim-Upahvaye Shriirmaa Devii Jussataam ||3||
The Goddess who resides on Chariot driven by the horses and elephants which are the symbols of energy and wisdom respectively. Call her near to me so that I can please her with my praises.
Kaam So-Smitaam Hirannya-Praakaaraam-Aardraam Jvalantiim Trptaam Tarpayantiim |
Padme Sthitaam Padma-Varnnaam Taam-Ihopahvaye Shriyam ||4||
The Goddess is smiling mild and golden smile. She fulfils the desires of all who summon her.
She sits on the Lotus flower and appears to be similar in colour. Please call the form of “Sri” in front of me.
Candraam Prabhaasaam Yashasaa Jvalantiim Shriyam Loke Deva-Jussttaam-Udaaraam |
Taam Padminiim-Iim Sharannam-Aham Prapadyelakssmiir-Me Nashyataam Tvaam Vrnne ||5||
She is the form of the moon and shines like the moon. She is worshipped by all demigods. The Goddess of the Lotus, at whose lotus feet I want to refuge. She banishes the Alaxmi or, all opposite tendencies of Laxmi.
Aaditya-Varnne Tapasodhi-Jaato Vanaspatis-Tava Vrkssotha Bilvah |
Tasya Phalaani Tapasaa-Nudantu Maaya-Antaraayaashca Baahyaa Alakssmiih ||6||
Goddess originated from the sun of Tapasyya and She is like the auspicious tree of Tapas that takes away all sins.
Upaitu Maam Deva-Sakhah Kiirtish-Ca Manninaa Saha |
Praadurbhuutosmi Raassttresmin Kiirtim-Rddhim Dadaatu Me ||7||
If I please you, all demigods will be pleased by me and with your worship, my rebirth will be at your place Goddess Sri, with all the riches and splendour.
Kssut-Pipaasaa-Malaam Jyesstthaam-Alakssmiim Naashayaamy-Aham |
Abhuutim-Asamrddhim Ca Sarvaam Nirnnuda Me Grhaat ||8||
Goddess Laxmi will banish all the negative fortunes that gather in form of poverty and hunger. She will let her sister Alaxmi move away from my place.
Gandha-Dvaaraam Duraadharssaam Nitya-Pussttaam Kariissinniim |
Iishvariing Sarva-Bhuutaanaam Taam-Ihopahvaye Shriyam ||9||
Goddess Laxmi blesses and comes with an essence of abundance, the essence of all scents.
In all worldly beings, she is the energy that dictates.
Manasah Kaamam-Aakuutim Vaacah Satyam-Ashiimahi |
Pashuunaam Ruupam-Annasya Mayi Shriih Shrayataam Yashah ||10||
MY heart wants these words in my speech to reach where it is headed, to the Goddess Laxmi, the goddess of Fortunes like Cattle, Beauty and Nourishment. You reside in my heart as the form of Sri.
Kardamena Prajaa-Bhuutaa Mayi Sambhava Kardama |
Shriyam Vaasaya Me Kule Maataram Padma-Maaliniim ||11||
You are the gist of the existence of the whole Human race, please dwell in my heart. So, I pray to Kardama, the sage son of Laxmi to be by my side and make mother Laxmi come to my place.
Aapah Srjantu Snigdhaani Cikliita Vasa Me Grhe |
Ni Ca Deviim Maataram Shriyam Vaasaya Me Kule ||12||
Chiklita, you are the son of the Goddess who makes everything pleasing, stay by my side and make mother reside at my place.
Aardraam Pusskarinniim Pussttim Pinggalaam Padma-Maaliniim |
Candraam Hirannmayiim Lakssmiim Jaatavedo Ma Aavaha ||13||
You are the water that provides nourishment to the Lotuses and your golden moonlike gleam is surrounded by Golden Lotuses.
Aardraam Yah Karinniim Yassttim Suvarnnaam Hema-Maaliniim |
Suuryaam Hirannmayiim Lakssmiim Jaatavedo Ma Aavaha ||14||
Your nourishment is like the ones which facilitate all auspicious works and you are surrounded by the golden gleam of Tapasya. You are like the golden Sun Goddess!
Taam Ma Aavaha Jaatavedo Lakssmiim-Anapagaaminiim |
Yasyaam Hirannyam Prabhuutam Gaavo Daasyoshvaan Vindeyam Puurussaan-Aham ||15||
I summon you and never go away from my place because only you can help me obtain all that I want. The cattle, nourishments of my filial generations etc.
Yah Shucih Prayato Bhuutvaa Juhu-Yaad-Aajyam-Anvaham |
Suuktam Pan.cadasharcam Ca Shriikaamah Satatam Japet ||16||
REcitaions of this Shree Suktam gives all the good fortunes equivalent to that of the devotees who please the Goddess by worshipping every day with condensed forms of milk and other sacrifices.
Padmaanane Padma Uuru Padma-Akssii Padmaa-Sambhave |
Tvam Maam Bhajasva Padma-Akssii Yena Saukhyam LabhaamyAham ||17||
Goddess Laxmi resides on Lotuses and has lotus-like face, she will give me Vision of knowledge that is the reason for eternal bliss.
Ashva-Daayi Go-Daayi Dhana-Daayi Mahaa-Dhane |
Dhanam Me Jussataam Devi Sarva-Kaamaamsh-Ca Dehi Me ||18||
You are the provided of all the riches like the cattle and the horses. Goddess I pray for wealth from you and please fulfil my aspirations.
utra-Pautra Dhanam Dhaanyam Hasty-Ashvaadi-Gave Ratham |
Prajaanaam Bhavasi Maataa Aayussmantam Karotu Maam ||19||
Goddess, you provide me with all forms of happiness that are derived from extended family and grandchildren and all that is important to maintain the good wealth, such as the food grains, cattle and carriages.
Dhanam-Agnir-Dhanam Vaayur-Dhanam Suuryo Dhanam Vasuh |
Dhanam-Indro Brhaspatir-Varunnam Dhanam-Ashnute ||20||
You are the source of the energy of the fire god You give wealth to the Demigods like Agni , Indra, the king, the Indra, Jupiter and the God of wind are energized by you. So you are the gist of every substance.
Vainateya Somam Piba Somam Pibatu Vrtrahaa |
Somam Dhanasya Somino Mahyam Dadaatu Sominah ||21||
I offer my prayers to mother Laxmi who provides the soulful drink of inner awareness, because those who have taken it, can have Vishnu in their hearts.
Na Krodho Na Ca Maatsarya Na Lobho Na-Ashubhaa Matih |
Bhavanti Krtapunnyaanaam Bhaktaanaam Shriisuuktam Japet-Sadaa ||22||
Those who reside Sri Shuktam, free themselves from all worldly emotions and evil tendencies. Jealousy and anger cannot touch them anymore.
Varssantu Te Vibhaavari Divo Abhrasya Vidyutah |
Rohantu Sarva-Biija-Anyava Brahma Dvisso Jahi ||23||
Mother, being the destroyer of the ill feelings like hatred and the creator of Brahmin, you can only Shower on me the enlightenment as a dark cloud does by thunderstorm.
Padma-Priye Padmini Padma-Haste Padmaalaye Padma-Dalaayata-Akssi |
Vishva-Priye Vissnnu Manonukuule Tvat-Paada-Padmam Mayi Sannidhatsva ||24||
The Goddess loves Lotus flower, holds a lotus flower in her hand, she sits on a lotus, Lotus eyed goddess who is loved by all. I pray to you, as you reflect the materials that signify Lord Vishnu, similarly, I may realize you in my heart.
Yaa Saa Padmaasana-Sthaa Vipula-Kattitattii Padma-Patraayata-Akssii |
Gambhiiraa Varta-Naabhih Stanabhara Namitaa Shubhra Vastrottariiyaa ||25||
The Goddess Laxmi appears like a lotus leaf standing on the lotus flower. Mother Laxmi is bent towards her devotees with her tendencies to nourish. She wears white clothes.
Lakssmiir-Divyair-Gajendrair-Manni-Ganna-Khacitais-Snaapitaa Hema-Kumbhaih |
Nityam Saa Padma-Hastaa Mama Vasatu Grhe Sarva-Maanggalya-Yuktaa ||26||
The goddess Laxmi is bathed with the auspicious water from the golden pitchers and the Heavenly elephants who appear to be studded with gems water her.
Mother, I pray to you! Please be present inside my house and fill the house with your goodness.
Lakssmiim Kssiira-Samudra Raaja-Tanayaam Shriirangga-Dhaameshvariim |
Daasii-Bhuuta-Samasta Deva Vanitaam Lokaika Diipa-Amkuraam ||27||
Goddess, you are the daughter of the ocean king and you are the wife of Sri Vishnu. You are the one who enjoys the services of the demigods. You are the light that is the reason for every creation that manifests.
ShriimanManda-Kattaakssa-Labdha Vibhava Brahme(a-I)ndra-Ganggaadharaam |
Tvaam Trai-Lokya Kuttumbiniim Sarasijaam Vande Mukunda-Priyaam ||28||
You are a mother the reason for the greatness of the Brahma, Indra and Shiva, they obtain greatness by pleasing you. The Universe, the three worlds are your family and you are the love of the Lord Vishnu.
Siddha-Lakssmiir-Mokssa-Lakssmiir-Jaya-Lakssmiis-Sarasvatii |
Shrii-Lakssmiir-Vara-Lakssmiishca Prasannaa Mama Sarvadaa ||29||
In your forms where you appear to give Salivation, Victory and Success, please be pleased by me.
Vara-Angkushau Paasham-Abhiiti-Mudraam Karair-Vahantiim Kamalaasana-Sthaam |
Baalaarka Kotti Pratibhaam Tri-Netraam Bhajeham-Aadyaam Jagad-Iisvariim Tvaam ||30||
You hold Vara mudra in one hand to signify boon to the devotees. You hold hook and noose in the other two. In the fourth hand your hold the gesture of fearlessness, telling devotees to be devoid of all fear. YOu let us get past all obstacles and obtain the greatest boons. Goddess offers my prayers to you because from your three eyes the millions of suns will rise.
Sarva-Manggala-Maanggalye Shive Sarva-Artha Saadhike |
Sharannye Try-Ambake Devi Naaraayanni Namostu Te ||
Naaraayanni Namostu Te || Naaraayanni Namostu Te ||31||
She is the form of all auspiciousness, who has all qualities that reflect good fortune. The three-eyed Goddess who is the wife of Narayan is worshipped by me.
Sarasija-Nilaye Saroja-Haste Dhavalatara-Amshuka Gandha-Maalya-Shobhe |
Bhagavati Hari-Vallabhe Manojnye Tri-Bhuvana-Bhuuti-Kari Prasiida Mahyam ||32||
I offer my salutations to the Lotus Goddess residing on lotus who holds blooming lotus flowers in her hands. She reflects divinity. My salutations to the consort of Lord Vishnu who gives good fortune and grace to the three worlds be pleased by me.
Vissnnu-Patniim Kssamaam Deviim Maadhaviim Maadhava-Priyaam |
Vissnnoh Priya-Sakhiim Deviim Namaamy-Acyuta-Vallabhaam ||33||
The goddess who has Lord Vishnu as her husband and you are the essences of him. I salute you Goddess, the dearest to Lord Vishnu.
Mahaalakssmii Ca Vidmahe Vissnnu-Patnii Ca Dhiimahi |
TanNo Lakssmiih Pracodayaat ||34||
Praying to the dearest consort of Madhava or Lord Vishnu, we expect to develop a bliss of enlightenment of consciousness.
Shrii-Varcasyam-Aayussyam-Aarogyamaa-Vidhaat Pavamaanam Mahiyate |
Dhanam Dhaanyam Pashum Bahu-Putra-Laabham Shatasamvatsaram Diirgham-Aayuh ||35||
Mother, please be present in our lives as the auspiciousness that reflects vitality, energy and joy.
All kinds of riches including the cattle and generations to come.
Rnna-Rogaadi-Daaridrya-Paapa-Kssud-Apamrtyavah |
Bhaya-Shoka-Manastaapaa Nashyantu Mama Sarvadaa ||36||
Goddess please free me from all kinds of problems that occur dues to debts, diseases, poor health, pangs of hunger etc.
Ya Evam Veda |
Om Mahaa-Devyai Ca Vidmahe Vissnnu-Patnii Ca Dhiimahi |
Tanno Lakssmiih Pracodayaat
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||37||
This shlokas are Veda and by reciting this, may we please Goddess Laxmi. Mother will enlighten us with consciousness. Let peace prevail.
The significant of Shree suktam is the essence of Goddess Laxmi in it. These verses are solely dedicated to Goddess Laxmi that you may notice in the Shree Suktam Lyrics or Shree Suktam meaning. This is the strotram that praises the Goddess only and no other deity it is a very auspicious strotram that gives peace to the devotee and frees him from all grieves.